Kindly sponsored by DSC Supplies and For Farmers

Closing date for entries: Friday 30th June 2023
Entry Fee: £14.00 per Class

1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize Cards will be awarded in each Class

Judging date to be confirmed

Judge: James Lyewood
Stewards: T Burrough & F Wettern

Class 30
200 Cows and Under
The Hillside Trophy
kindly presented by Mr John Hecks will be awarded to the winner

Class 31
201 Cows and Over
The Stevenson Challenge Trophy
kindly presented by Richard Stevenson Ltd of Lewes will be awarded to the winner

Class 32
In Calf Dairy Heifers
The J Harris Robinson Trophy
kindly presented by D C Robinson will be awarded to the winner

1. The whole herd must be shown
2. Cleanliness of the Dairy Parlour and utensils used by the Dairy Herd
3. General condition and soundness of udders
4. Calving index
5. Milk Production—the Judge will require to see Milk Register and Sales Certificates for the previous year, where available.
6. Commercial viability of enterprise.